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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

You get what you pay for...

  It really is true that you get what you pay for. In general, if it's too good to be true, it probably is. I don't usually get suckered into these things, but it happens.

  About a month ago, I went to buy combs at SuperStore, figuring I'd just get the cheapest comb I could - after all, it's not a high tech device, or anything. When I got there, by far the cheapest set of combs was a pack of 12 combs for $1. There is no way you could get cheaper combs - and a pack of 12 should last forever. I could even give combs for Christmas/Hanukkah presents! (Not that I'm going to, for those of you who are on my gift giving list, this year.) With that good of a deal, I had to buy the 12 pack.

  I finally got around to using one of them, the other day. Wouldn't you know it, the quality is so poor that each of the teeth on the comb is pointy and sharp.. It's like running a rake through my hair! Talk about a lack of quality control - the teeth are definitely canines on that thing! (Yes, bad dentistry and comb jokes shouldn't mix. I won't do it again.)

  Anyhow, had I spent the extra 25 cents, and bought the one comb for $1.25, I probably wouldn't have had to comb my hair with a weapon of mass hair follicle destruction. And now, I've got a lifetime supply of torture devices... er.. combs.