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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New ChIP-Seq tool from Illumina

Ok, I had to blog this. Someone on the SeqAnswers forum brought it to my attention that Illumina has a new tool for ChIP-Seq experiments. That in itself doesn't bother me - the more people in this space, the faster we learn about what makes us tick.

What surprises me, though, is the tool itself (beadstudio data analysis software - chip sequencing module). It's implemented only for Windows, for one. (Don't most self-respecting scientists use Macs or Linux these days? Or at least use and develop tools that can be used cross-platform?) Second, the feature set appears to be a re-implementation of the UCSC Genome Browser. Given the choice between the two, I don't see any reason to buy the Illumina version. (Yes, you have to pay for it, whereas UCSC is free and flexible.) I can't tell if it loads bed files or wig files, but the screen shots show a rather unflexible tool that looks like a graphical version of Gap4 or Consed. I'm not particularly impressed.

Worse still, I can't see this being implemented in a pipeline. If you're processing 100's of ChIP-Seq experiments in a year, or 1000's once this technique really starts to hit it's stride, why would you want to force it all through a GUI? I just don't get it.

Well, what do I know? Maybe there's a big market for people out there who don't want free cross-platform tools, and would rather pay for a brand name science application than use something that works. Come to think of it, I'm willing to bet there are a few pharma companies out there who do think like that, and Illumina is likely to conquer that market with their tool. Happy clicking, Vista users.

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Blogger Anthony said...

Hey Eco - thanks for the comments. I've deleted both, as per your request.

And yes, there are lots of links back to seqanswers - I certainly get a lot of hits coming from your pages as well, so I hope I can return the favour.

By the way, It'll probably be another 2 years minimum till I graduate. Hopefully some of those good jobs will still be around!


April 4, 2008 11:36:00 PM PDT  

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