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Friday, March 13, 2009

Connor Douglas, UBC – How User Configuration in Bioinformatics Can Facilitate “Translational Science” - A Social Science Perspective

Background is in sociology of science – currently based in centre for applied ethics.

What is civic translational science? Why is it important?

Studying pathogenomics of innate immunity in a large project, including Hancock lab, Brinkman lab, etc. GE(3)LS: Genomics, Ethics, Economics, Environment, Legal and Social issues. What are the ramifications of the knowledge? Trying to hold a mirror up to scientific practices.

Basically, studying bioinformaticians from a social science perspective!

[talking a lot about what he won't talk a lot about.... (-: ]

“Pathogenomics of Innate Immunity” (PI2). This project was required to have a GE(3)LS component, and that is what his research is.

What role does user configuration play in fostering civic translational science? What is it?

It is “iterative movements between the bench to markets to bedside”. Moving knowledge out from a lab into the wider research community.

Studying the development of the “InnateDB” tool being developed. It's open access, open source, database & suite of tools. Not just for in-house use.

Looking at what forces help move tools out into the wider community:
  • Increased “Verstehen” within the research team. (Taking into account the needs of the wider community – understanding what the user wants.)
  • limited release strategies – the more disseminating the better
  • peer-review publication process: review not just the argument but the tool as well.
  • A continued blurring of divisions between producers and users.
And out of time....

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