FindPeaks 3.3.0 and AGBT proposal
Well, I finally have a version of FindPeaks 3.3.0 that runs without known bugs. Tracking down that last bug was tricky, and took me 3 days to find and squash it. It's hard to find bugs that only happen when they're near to a fragment that is duplicated. (-;
Anyhow, now that that's working better, it's time to add in the new functionality. The most pressing parts are the controls (in two parts - one of which is a top secret collaboration, while the other is just too boring to really talk about), and the other is implementing SAM/BAMtools interface. Whenever the "new MAQ" is ready, I'd like to be prepared for it.
Incidentally, I think controls will be the easier of the two, and I think I'll be able to finish the boring parts off this week. At the rate things are going, it might be another 2 days of debugging after that, but that's what makes software writing fun. (Just imagine a tall thin guy hunched over a computer keyboard cackling insanely while staring deep into the monitor displaying green matrix-style characters drifting downward...)
At any rate, I'm also working towards my poster for AGBT, which reminds me of what else I wanted to suggest. If anyone who reads my blog is going to be at AGBT and is happy to meet up to talk some ChIP-Seq or SNP finding (or anything remotely related), let me know. I'm thinking it would be neat to gather people together who are working on the same topic and talk for a bit. (I'm even willing to miss formal talks for it, as long as they're not directly related to my work.)
So, to that effect, I'll point to this page on SeqAnswers, and suggest if anyone is interested they let me know. (= It would definitely be an efficient way to network.
Oh, and (still) for those of you who've already registered for AGBT, check out the nifty package Illumina is sending out to people. I'm HIGHLY impressed with the creative idea and timeliness. (If you don't know what it is, the suspence is killing you and you care enough to ask, I'll put the answer in the comments.) (-:
Anyhow, now that that's working better, it's time to add in the new functionality. The most pressing parts are the controls (in two parts - one of which is a top secret collaboration, while the other is just too boring to really talk about), and the other is implementing SAM/BAMtools interface. Whenever the "new MAQ" is ready, I'd like to be prepared for it.
Incidentally, I think controls will be the easier of the two, and I think I'll be able to finish the boring parts off this week. At the rate things are going, it might be another 2 days of debugging after that, but that's what makes software writing fun. (Just imagine a tall thin guy hunched over a computer keyboard cackling insanely while staring deep into the monitor displaying green matrix-style characters drifting downward...)
At any rate, I'm also working towards my poster for AGBT, which reminds me of what else I wanted to suggest. If anyone who reads my blog is going to be at AGBT and is happy to meet up to talk some ChIP-Seq or SNP finding (or anything remotely related), let me know. I'm thinking it would be neat to gather people together who are working on the same topic and talk for a bit. (I'm even willing to miss formal talks for it, as long as they're not directly related to my work.)
So, to that effect, I'll point to this page on SeqAnswers, and suggest if anyone is interested they let me know. (= It would definitely be an efficient way to network.
Oh, and (still) for those of you who've already registered for AGBT, check out the nifty package Illumina is sending out to people. I'm HIGHLY impressed with the creative idea and timeliness. (If you don't know what it is, the suspence is killing you and you care enough to ask, I'll put the answer in the comments.) (-: