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Friday, March 20, 2009

Universal format converter for aligned reads

Last night, I was working on FindPeaks when I realized what an interesting treasure trove of libraries I was really sitting on. I have readers and writers for many of the most common aligned read formats, and I have several programs that do useful functions. So, that raise the distinctly interesting point that all of them should be applied together in one shot... and so I did exactly that.

I now have an interesting set of utilities that can be used to convert from one file format to another: bed, gff, eland, extended eland, MAQ .map (read only), mapview, bowtie.... and several other more obscure formats.

For the moment, the "conversion utility" forces the output to bed file format (since that's the file type with the least information, and I don't have to worry about unexpected file information loss), which can then be viewed with the UCSC browser, or interpreted by FindPeaks to generate wig files. (BED files are really the lowest common denominator of aligned information.) But why stop there?

Why not add a very simple functionality that lets one format be converted to the other? Actually, there's no good reason not to, but it does involve some heavy caveats. Conversion from one format type to another is relatively trivial until you hit the quality strings. since these aren't being scaled or altered, you could end up with some rather bizzare conversions unless they're handled cleanly. Unfortunately, doing this scaling is such a moving target that it's just not possible to keep up with that and do all the other devlopment work I have on my plate. (I think I'll be asking for a co-op student for the summer to help out.)

Anyhow, I'll be including this nifty utility in my new tags. Hopefully people will find the upgraded conversion utility to be helpful to them. (=

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Maq Bug

I came across an interesting bug today, when trying to work with reads aligned by Smith-Waterman (flag = 130), in PET alignments. Indeed, I even filed a Bug Report on it.

The low down on the "bug" or "feature" (I'm not sure which it is yet), is that sequences containing deletions don't actually show the deletions - they show the straight genomic sequence at that location. The reason that I figure this is a bug instead of by design is because sequences with insertions show the insertion. So why the discrepancy?

Anyhow, the upshot of it is that I'm only able to use 1/2 of the Smith-Waterman alignments maq produces when doing SNP calls in my software. (I can't trust that the per-base quality scores align to the correct bases with this bug) Since other people are doing SNP calls using MAQ alignments... what are they doing?

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

SNP calling from MAQ

With that title, you're probably expecting a discussion on how MAQ calls snps, but you're not going to get it. Instead, I'm going to rant a bit, but bear with me.

Rather than just use the MAQ snp caller, I decided to write my own. Why, you might ask? Because I already had all of the code for it, my snp caller has several added functionalities that I wanted to use, and *of course*, I thought it would be easy. Was it, you might also ask? No - but not for the reasons you might expect.

I spent the last 4 days doing nothing but working on this. I thought it would be simple to just tie the elements together: I have a working .map file parser (don't get me started on platform dependent binary files!), I have a working snp caller, I even have all the code to link them together. What I was missing was all of the little tricks, particularly the ones for intron-spanning reads in transcriptome data sets, and the code that links together the "kludges" with the method I didn't know about when I started. After hacking away at it, bit by bit things began to work. Somewhere north of 150 code commits later, it all came together.

If you're wondering why it took so long, it's three fold:

1. I started off depending on someone else's method, since they came up with it. As is often the case, that person was working quickly to get results, and I don't think they had the goal of writing production quality code. Since I didn't have their code (though, honestly, I didn't ask for it either since it was in perl, which is another rant for another day) it took a long time to settle all of the 1-off, 2-off and otherwise unexpected bugs. They had given me all of the clues, but there's a world of difference between being pointed in the general direction towards your goal and having a GPS to navigate you there.

2. I was trying to write code that would be re-usable. That's something I'm very proud of, as most of my code is modular and easy to re-purpose in my next project. Half way through this, I gave up: the code for this snp calling is not going to be re-usable. Though, truth be told, I think I'll have to redo the whole experiment from the start at some point because I'm not fully satisfied with the method, and we won't be doing it exactly this way in the future. I just hope the change doesn't happen in the next 3 weeks.

3. Name space errors. For some reason, every single person has a different way of addressing the 24-ish chromosomes in the human genome. (Should we include the mitochondrial genome in our own?) I find myself building functions that strip and rename chromosomes all the time, using similar rules. Is the Mitochondrial genome a "MT" or just "M"? What case do we use for "X" and "Y" (or is it "x" and "y"?) in our files? Should we pre-pend "chr" to our chromsome names? And what on earth is "chr5_random" doing as a chromosome? This is even worse when you need to compare two active indexes, plus the strings in each read... bleh.

Anyhow, I fully admit that SNP calling isn't hard to do. Once you've read all of your sequences in, determined which bases are worth keeping (prb scores), determined the minimum level of coverage, minimum number of bases that are needed to call a snp, there's not much left to do. I check it all against the Ensembl database to determine which ones are non-synonymous, and then: tada, you have all your snps.

However, once you're done all of this, you realize that the big issue is that there are now too many snp callers, and everyone and their pet dog is working on one. There are several now in use at the GSC: Mine, at least one custom one that I'm aware of, one built into an aligner (Bad Idea(tm)) under development here and the one tacked on to the swiss army knife of aligners and tools: MAQ. Do they all give different results, or is one better than another? who knows. I look forward to finding someone who has the time to compare, but I really doubt there's much difference beyond the alignment quality.

Unfortunately, because the aligner field is still immature, there is no single file output format that's common to all aligners, so the comparison is a pain to do - which means it's probably a long way off. That, in itself, might be a good topic for an article, one day.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

MAQ mapview format. - Updated

Well, I promised a quick update on the MAQ mapview format, after I wrote the interpreter for it, but there isn't much to say.

Key bits of information:
  • The file is simply a zipped text file. (Update: this file is not normally gzipped. While the .map file is zipped, the .mapview file is not normally found in the gzipped state.) You can unzip it with 'gunzip' on a linux system.
  • Reads are pre-sorted by chromosome, then position.
  • The format is 1 based, so if you're using a zero based format, you'll need to convert.
  • Starting points are for the "left end", ie, regardless of which strand the sequence aligned to, the matching position with the lowest position is reported.
  • Sequences are not contained in this file, but if you go back to the original fastq file you can retrieve the sequence. If you do so, you will need to obtain the reverse compliment of any read that maps to the reverse strand to map to your fasta file sequence. Forward strand sequences will map correctly to the fasta sequence.
  • Most of the fields are not useful for any form of analysis, and what's given is mostly incomprehensible.

The best information I had was from the MAQ manpage. In a slightly more readable format:

  1. read name
  2. chromosome
  3. position
  4. strand
  5. insert size from the outer coorniates of a pair
  6. paired flag
  7. mapping quality
  8. single-end mapping quality
  9. alternative mapping quality
  10. number of mismatches of the best hit
  11. sum of qualities of mismatched bases of the best hit
  12. number of 0-mismatch hits of the first 24bp
  13. number of 1-mismatch hits of the first 24bp on the reference
  14. length of the read
  15. read sequence
  16. quality

Most strikingly, you'll notice 16 fields are listed above, while the file appears to have 14 fields. It seems not all files have the last two fields. I don't know if it's just the file I have, or if it's usually that way. (Update: Actually, there are normally 16 fields. The files I was given were generated using the mapview -B flag, which strips out some of the information, which I believe are the final two fields. Thus, the comments above reflect the -B flag output only! Thanks to Ryan for catching that!)

If I come across anything else that needs to be added, I'll update this entry.

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