February 2013 - Notadog.ca has a new litter of puppies! Contact us for more information.
If you have pictures of Pulik from Not A Dog Kennels, please let us know! We'd love to include them in our Galleries.
Puppies: Pictures of the seven puppies currently available at the NotADog kennel, born on March 24th to Braidy and Kordy.
Alumni: Some of the puppies from NotADog kennel who have keep in touch, but don't have their own page.
Cordelia: Delia is an unusually small Puli, and the daughter of Brady and Monty. She is currently living in Vancouver, BC, where her petite stature makes her perfectly "condo-sized".
Bella with her family: Bella is another of the puppies from the Notadog Kennel.
Domonkos at home: Domonkos, or Okos, is one of the puppies from the Notadog Kennel.
Ella: A smaller puppy from the Notadog Kennel.